Now you can place state-of-the-art micro welders in your program for next to nothing. Your program wins. Your students win. Micro welding technology wins.
The Sunstone Welding Education Program benefits your program in three ways:
- Provides the latest micro welders at micro budget pricing.
- Maintains, protects, and replaces all equipment when necessary.
- Helps facilitate an annual “discovery day” at no additional cost to you.
In a nutshell, the Sunstone Welding Education Program is a windfall for your organization!
Program Equipment Placement
Through the Sunstone Welding Education Program, and only for organizations that qualify and are accepted into the program, your organization is able to place all necessary equipment within your facilities and pay only a small monthly subscription for each welder. The amount of the monthly subscription differs based on the value of the welder you need. Subscription pricing is as low as $15/month per welder plus a small, fully refundable deposit based on the welder you want to place. See the pricing table below:
Pricing | ||
Model | Pricing per Unit per Month | Refundable Deposit per Unit |
Orion mPulse Pulse Arc Welder | $15 | $250 |
Orion 100c Pulse Arc Welder | $15 | $500 |
Orion 150s Pulse Arc Welder | $30 | $750 |
Orion 200i Pulse Arc Welder | $30 | $1,000 |
CD400DP-A Micro Spot Welder | $30 | $750 |
CD400DP Micro Spot Welder | $15 | $250 |
Don't see the welder you need? Call +1 385-999-5214 or a send a message to |
The subscription also protects every welder you place in your program, which is a key benefit for your organization. And here’s why: For as long as you remain subscribed, Sunstone will warrant and maintain every welder. You never have to find additional funds to repair a defective welder that may be out of warranty. With this program, the warranty never expires. Further, in the case of a defective welder, Sunstone may opt to replace an older welder with the latest model, helping you to keep your program up-to-date.
Are there disclaimers associated with the program? Absolutely. For example, if you or one of your students damage a welder, that wouldn’t be covered by the program. You should carefully read the Terms of Service.
To be clear, with this program, your organization is able to receive all the micro welders necessary to equip your program with a small, monthly subscription. Sunstone maintains ownership of the equipment. Should you discontinue the program and return the welder, the deposit will be refunded. If your organization defaults on the subscription, Sunstone will retain the deposit and will arrange to have the equipment returned. Your organization must agree to a 12-month term.
For most organizations, avoiding a large, upfront payment to acquire equipment is a tremendous benefit to your program and your students. With this program you can build a program that will rival any in the country at a fraction of the cost.
Annual “Discovery Day”
The Sunstone Welder Education Program is designed to be a win-win-win opportunity. Your organization wins by gaining access to world-class welding technology and building a phenomenal program. Your students win by fully developing their craftsmanship by using the best equipment available. Sunstone wins by having its brand exposed to your students and community.
An annual “discovery day” builds upon the program’s win-win-win objective. Every year, at a time convenient to you, Sunstone will help your organization with an event to showcase your program, your student’s art, and the Sunstone brand. Sunstone recommends “Micro Welding Discovery Day” be part of the event name. You may wish to add the name of your organization to the beginning; “State College Micro Welding Discovery Day” as an example.
The event agenda may include lecture and hands-on training by a visiting artist or representative from Sunstone, lunch provided by Sunstone (we’ll have pizza or sandwiches delivered!), awards presented by your organization and Sunstone for outstanding student accomplishments (Sunstone may provide prizes for contest winners or showcase pieces), and a special VIP breakfast hosted and provided by Sunstone for faculty and students recommend by you (up to 10 persons). Sunstone will also provide promotional items (hats, shirts, bags, etc.).
Sunstone suggests you use the event to showcase your program. Alumni and students from high schools or other organizations may be invited to attend. Having local press cover the event will generate community attention that may attract future students and other opportunities.
Building More Awareness for Your Program
In addition to the annual “discover day,” and in line with your organization’s current applicable policies, Sunstone asks that your organization uses social media on a monthly basis to showcase student and program accomplishments through the use of Sunstone equipment.
Further, Sunstone asks your organization to create a special video that promotes your program’s acquisition of the latest micro welding technology. The video should be focused on your program and be useful as a recruiting tool. Sunstone requests that its equipment be included in literature and video featuring your organizations program. Students should also have opportunity to subscribe to Micro Welding Today magazine, a free publication supported by Sunstone.
A full list of your organization’s obligations for participating in the program can be found in the Terms of Service.
Key Program Benefits |
A Quick Summary |
How to Get Started
You most likely have some lingering questions. Call +1 385-999-5214 or send a message to It won't take long to equip your program with the latest technology at pennies on the dollar and warranted for as long as you remain subscribed!
Terms of Service
- Sunstone provides a qualifying school with advanced welders and weld heads in return for a simple deposit (see pricing table) and the school subscribing to the Sunstone Circle product protection plan for a 12-month term. A qualifying school is defined as any college, university, or trade school with 10 or more full-time students enrolled in its jewelry arts program every year. Qualifying schools are able to choose which welders they need and the quantity of each. Start with one welder and grow, or equip your entire program. The equipment remains a part of your program for as long as your school subscribes to the Sunstone Circle and Sunstone Welding Education Program.
- Sunstone services and replaces welders as needed per the Sunstone Circle product protection plan terms of service. All equipment remains the property of Sunstone Engineering LLC; however, schools are permitted to lease or rent the equipment to enrolled students for as long they remain active students.
- Payment for the program shall be made by credit card on file or authorized ACH. Sunstone will not provide a monthly invoice or statement.
- Per the terms of service, Sunstone may exchange any aging welder for a newer model over time, so the school always has the latest equipment for as long the school remains subscribed. Accessories and electrodes are not included in the subscription.
- Sunstone will refund any and all deposits under the following conditions: 1)The school remains subscribed to the program for at least 12 months; 2)The school’s subscription fees are paid in full; 3)The school has shipped all equipment to Sunstone and received in good condition.
- “Discovery Day.” Working closely with the school, Sunstone will sponsor a “Welding Discovery” event. Sunstone will send a representative to the school. The representative may be a Sunstone employee, or an authorized Sunstone dealer or representative. Sunstone may offer a VIP breakfast for a handful of students and professors. This key meeting helps professors recognize their star students, helps students build a relationship with professors and become more familiar with Sunstone staff. Sunstone will provide a lunch for students and teachers associated with the program Sunstone will perform welding demonstrations, provide training, answer any questions, etc. as part of the event. Sunstone will provide promotional items to all attendees (such as hats, shirts, bags, etc.). The scope of the event can also be expanded to include school Alumni. In consultation with the school, Sunstone may present awards to students selected by the school in recognition of their accomplishments (proposed by professors). Awards may include framed certificates, $25 AMEX gift cards, etc. as approved by the school. This event occurs annually or as time allows based on the availability of both Sunstone and the school. The event may occur remotely, if necessary. The school agrees to willfully cooperate with Sunstone in planning, promoting, and hosting the event.
- Promotional Activities. The school agrees to create, or allow Sunstone to create, a special video that promotes their school/program through Sunstone’s welding technology and post the video to a public website or to social media. The school will provide opportunity for students to subscribe to Micro Welding Today magazine, a publication supported by Sunstone. The school will use and highlight Sunstone-branded welding products when appropriate in program literature and videos. The school will create a post for social media on a monthly basis highlighting a student’s accomplishments wherein a Sunstone welder was directly or indirectly used, with the Sunstone welder in the background of the video or mentioned directly. The school will appoint a media contact with whom Sunstone shall work to monitor and assist in these activities.
- The school agrees to remain subscribed to the Sunstone Circle for at least 12 months. The school must provide written notification of its intent to remove itself from the program with 30 days notice.
- By subscribing to the Sunstone Welder Education Program, the school acknowledges and understands the program is promotional in nature and designed to promote the Sunstone brand in an educational environment.
- As a participant in the program, the school grants Sunstone Engineering LLC limited license to use the school’s name or likeness in any format for promotional purposes. Should the school remove itself from the program, Sunstone shall make reasonable efforts to remove the school’s name or likeness from any and all promotional media.
- Sunstone may change or alter the terms of service or the pricing schedule with 30 days notice.
- The school will indemnify and hold harmless Sunstone Engineering LLC for any injury, loss, or complaint that may arise from the use of or participation in the program.
Call +1 385-999-5214 or send a message to